Cult of the feral Self

  Cult of a feral religion < FreddieZoo > -5 link

: . . : . . : . . : . . Kudos to you. A two syllable word. § < goo >
: . . : . . Very True! < FreddieZoo >
: . . : . . : . . I think it's fine to take coherence < goo >
Conjuring the energy of the passing sensations in communing with the solitude of stillness-the genesis womb of our being. Beckoned back to the coded origins of our genome by sloughing off the external imposition of influences other than those incidentally acquired for their mechanical, mental, or emotional usefulness to us.

-----------------CHAPTER TWO------------------
'Axis Mundi'
A coming and going of supernovas and new stars being born, just like people with old and new generations, incessantly relieving each other to continue the struggle for their survival and to continue forever. Creating the illusion as if everything stands still and nothing changes. all of this exists, ceases to exist and comes to existence again.

A kind of cosmic and total awareness of the specific Matrix they're all part of, and chose to be and stay part of and keep it alive and complete instead of letting it falling apart.  with a policy of isolation from the rest of the world.

 Matrix disintegrate or implode like a supernova
                           'How the literal application of what should be a metaphorical basis becomes the absurdity of cultures'
Yes. There is an 'axis mundi' which sets the temporal, cyclical architecture of the encompassing macro margins. Yet, in the provincially oriented and isolated temporal world the limitations of conceivability due the barriers of geography and the invisible, psychological barriers by consensus, if not imposition, creates these myriad cul de sacs of hubristic, faux-omniscience of the cosmology-of-things. AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, a defaulted to caste with its sub-caste/casts pecking orders.

In the meantime, despite the fractal, provincial imitators existence as defined by their same very practices done on the temporal tangible level, the operational mechanisms of those temporal vanities continue without precepts-traditions just the physico-chemical Laws of Nature in the algorithmic expanse to its ultimate expansion and then deflation continues. The power of the energy created in the nature dynamics is the vitality to be earned, not presumptuously usurped for title and status, but in the agony and ecstasy of the discovery of self-revelation of our nature and its potential.

That self-revelation of discovery defines a feral network of Nature, which exists beyond the temporal trappings of culture and for each entity to perceive and seize for itself as it conjures its consciousness from other to its own being that is a natural fractal reflection of the on-going eternal dynamics of natural existence. In that discovery, there's only a nodding lip-service transactionalism to the surrounding temporal world-"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's..".  Otherwise, a detached, estrangement from associating and participation with the forms and those things of the forms. This is done to conserve as much of the moment's energy to the asymptotic congruence with the algorithm of Nature's 'axis mundi'.

The whole temporal 'social scheme' is a degrading distraction from that end. Though there will be transactional utilities derived in contact with the mundane pedestrian world, it will be more the coincidental serendipity, than an incidental symbiotic or synergistic expectation. Unlike the pecking orders of social significance and cultural meaning of the mundane world,, the purpose of your activities' missions will be the expanding of the cognizance of your potential in your symmetry of purpose and design with the ontological axis mundi.

-------CHAPTER THREE-------
'Myths of Culture'

I must assume you have 'traditional values' ingrained in you Image preview that include the package of romance. Romance has ONE functional purpose to facilitate procreation and the long-term consequences of a successful procreation.. Even with that as an assumption or presumption, it becomes a fallacy and a farce, if not centered on the joint raising of the child to a competent adulthood-exclusively. ANYTHING beyond that is incidental to the appreciation of the partnership in aspiring and achieving that ends.

If you're looking for a 'doting companionship', I strongly recommend a dog, then a cat, which is an opportunistic mercenary companion as long as you're seen as part of ITS den or pride.

Otherwise from that, You do what you would like and love to do-floral arrangements (?) as the basis of the extension of your philosophy of life for interacting with and in life.

I'm not needing or looking for a companion, beyond a remote distance availability to be a symbiotic or synergistic catalyst with whom our dialogues more acutely focus our intensity of thinking and further inspiring our feelings for the potential and possibilities, abstract or tangible, of the moment.

For you that could be more proximal with your interest in competitive sports. Your 'finds' would be in the incidental pursuit of doing those activities for which you have a passion, Those aspects or persons would be affirmations of that passionate mindset you have.

If seeing what's beyond the horizons is one of your wishes, do so to satisfy your curiosity, NOT with an expectation that the 'mythical love' is out-there-somewhere..
A 'L'Etranger'

Unlike Camus' Mersault, it was not just a nihilistic driven compulsion, but an articulated conception of a reality for which rules were just the props for rhetorical play, or THEY ARE FIGMENTS of play for the cynically cunning and the docilely duped.

Reason, the under-pinning of 'rules' being the complicit bait of cognitive seduction for anything beyond empirically tangible manifestations that even the doubting Saint Thomas wouldn't question. All other things not so empirically tangible were as vulnerable to the barbarians of rhetoric as the Roman's Hadrian Wall and the Chinese Great Wall succumbed to more kinetic barbarous activity of destruction.

With the destruction of reason and rationale as the prostitute for the most disingenuous agendas, morality-itself- became the contingently selective consensus of time and place, than a measure of virtues that lead to equity and justness. It's in this narrative setting that I came to see the discourse of people being no better than that described of the 'tower of Babel' in biblical verse.

With that I saw my and others redemption would not be in a consensus that was more the product of the most zealous, than what it was thought it should be of 'honest reason'. What began to emerge was the phenomena of a serendipitous and synchronistic association of  an aggregate phenomena of signals. Those signals having a confluence at a point of time with a random subject of a fortuitous place in time that bestowed a 'grace' of transformative potential that channeled through their subconscious comprehension and appreciation for the resolving just rectitude for that moment.

In that capacity and role as the asymmetric author and authority from their anonymity, the subject  becomes the default historical reference point of a            re-juxtaposition of the paradigm order for others. And as the consequent sweeping wave of acknowledgement and acceptance that results to a momentous movement away from the babel of anarchic madness of fabricated abstractions to a viscerally affirmed convocation of communal empathy than the previous cannibalistic implosion of the previous, ubiquitous, abuse-enabling dogmas.

The surrogate abstractions that represented themselves for meaning, truth, or divine law are shown to their devotees and de facto worshipers for their meaningless substance by the manifestation presented as the tangible and undeniable reality of fortuitous efficaciousness. That efficacious exhibition demonstrates the hollow gestures of posturing that was the taught and learned in the previous consensual choreography of thought and behavior.


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