Fragmented diaspora of Black perspectives

 Fragmented diaspora of Black perspectives

Black Nationalism by E. U Essien-Udom - Hardcover - [1962] - from Garnet  Books (SKU: 003427)


Though it may not matter as 'None of your business, Niggah..' in a social exchange or cultural attitude, it does have its effect on the functionality of the abstract demographic of Black (or 'Off-White') demographic. I inserted 'Off-White' for its physically descriptive, its sociological and psychological behavioral daily functioning of a pluralistic ethnic group. Our uniqueness in identity is a function of our coping, adaptation, innovation, and improvisation to social conditions that provide qualified caveats of acceptance based on the coherence to non-coherence to the Euro-Amerikkkan value archetypes.

As a result we 'Off-Whites' have more of a  common identity of our appearance as off-white, than the abstract identities we use to define the 'Blackness' of our identity. The adverse disadvantages are a common source of discussion by us and 'those Others' [as well as Me, now] making commentary on our status. The positives, IMNHO, are fragmented aggregates of anecdotal promise, due more to the surrounding social conditions that create, bottlenecks and obstructions, if not institutional private and governmental gatekeepers.

A suggested solution to this spectrum of fragmented aggregate of promising anecdotal success would be to have a concentration of these now anecdotal successes in one of several southern states of the former Rebel Confederacy, where substantial dense Off-White populations reside in electoral numbers to be on the horizonal verge of gaining political control of their state's governments. Giving that scenario the credibility of electoral feasibility, my question is what would be the economic infrastructure to support such a political entity [with that infrastructure having a credible security structure to insure the protection and safety of the residents of that economically viable state, given the history of destructive Caucasian mobs in different regions of the South and the nation.]

It's at this point that the facilitating economic dynamics for this political entity becomes the relevant point of focus. What investment mechanisms would be available for the yet-to-be-determined economic development for whatever area is deemed as suitable [Mississippi?] for such a social enterprise. What primarily 'Off-White' enterprises are there for the research needed, the investment financing, and the construction of the facilities that would be the magnet for the 'Disciple Thomases' of the 'Off-White' diaspora to come to help build or serve as workers in the 'Off-White Field-of-Dreams'?

Organize a production around that, and what is now an abstraction of visionaries will begin to have a tangible form for actual participation and contributions.





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