Connectedness beyond temporal reductive isolation

We're part of a continuum of Time-in-spatiality metamorphosis. We exist in a magnetic jell of resonance within the whimsy of Time's serendipity. Only in the placing our myopic conceptions of perception of the moment that restrict our potential to lower level existences in casts-of-castes keeps us imprisoned in matrices of fallacious realities.

When we transcend the reductionist, myopic rendering thinking: we see the phenomenological dimensional extensions to our cognitive world. Our bodies are the mobile and sensing logistic bases. Our minds are the operative explorers of parallel and intersecting realities of Time and spatial dimensions. Whether it's doting deceased relatives or passed-on promoters of sympathetic ethos's that would be our 'mentors'-other than we intersecting with other psyche radiations: what ever intensity we manifest is the function that is the data point of our interactive transactions with other entities. Within the atmospherics of those interactions we discover a broader context than the myopically narrow 'just about us' and this circumscribed time and particular place.

As recycled energy we emerge in different time configurations of expression. What we pridefully hold emotionally as our identity is just the incidental characteristics of their present incarnation's conditioned "skills"-for better or worse-in its navigation through the spatial time gauntlet it was originally set in, and in which it made its choices from the experiences of its random to focused-programmed conditioning. We ARE the "poor players who strut and fret [Shakespeare]...upon the stage of existence" until our energy dissipates from our bodies that returns to the seemingly inanimate dust of its genesis. Our vitality, aka our energy, rejoins the radiation of this epoch's expansion from its 'Black Hole' origins. In that black-hole-osterizer the nature of our energy does its physics-rematch with its covalent and ionic siblings for its next material incarnation.

During our incarnate existence, our energy is the synergy of our progenitor's physiological momentum and whatever vitality of physics we add. Those additions create an energy level of transmitted radiation, whose atmospherics come into congruence and similarity with others-at best. In those highly favorable intercourse, the mind's dream-cycles and conscious reveries are the 'social interactions' with other radiating expression that are or have been projected. We are the participant and the witness of merging realities in a convocation of discovery and collaboration per their logistical character's navigational habits. It's a tell on our underlying predispositions, as well as a panoramic view on the state of people and things beyond their incidental transactional roles with which we have our pedestrian commerce of communication.

Also, the energy of our vitality is subject to adverse and obstructive energies. Most adverse and destructive are those in the media of so-called culture-the summation of present and repeated interactions within a particular spatial region. In that media are toxic formulations to the best functioning of our physiological operational design. Those toxic formulations are the incongruent to fallacious forms that deflect, distract, and divert our own operational triggers into detours, if not waste-of-times from what opportunities that could've been. These detours are an inherent hazard that will occur incidentally. The caveat and trick is not being caught in the maze of the formally or informally authoritatively presented options. If you are caught-up in the maze of that dialectics matrix, You will contribute to the cul-de-sac phenomena of heterodox that degrade to choices that will deflect your thinking from the asymptotic trajectory, on which you could be into the ambiguities of relative logic. The algorithmic deviancy and ambiguity in a toxic cultural environs wouldn't have the same characterization of cultural seriousness, and thus it would be another sink-hole of thought for you and others who follow you into that sink-hole of a cul-de-sac.

I see nor have no positive, let alone happy endings, for a world of such cul-de-sacs in which we base our existences on temporal reductive and objectivist, relative-based kinetics. Those cul-de-sacs are mostly the elective chosen surrogates of comfort as opposed to the seemingly indefinite and intangibly challenging approach to a near-mystical and metaphysical state. That state is tangential to the substance that the sensory phenomena provides with more immediate gratification. The material seduction of immediacy to have, possess or consume is the gravitational lure that objectivist and reductionist temporality provides with less mental and physical energy expended. That expediency for gratification has its qualitative drawbacks in the things not done.

What IS done provides the in-depth context of familiarity detail, whose energy signal-form helps the channeled interaction to interface with it at the precipitating, critical mass moment of intercourse. The in-depth context correlates to the emotional investment and the derived intensity of association of the subject with the invested context. This is an accumulation process of experience over an indeterminate amount of time. Being consistent and congruent with both the explicitly declared and the implicitly intended sets the stage for the atmospheric production when it does manifests its channeling through you, its vector.

Organic and geophysical physiology adverse amplitudes or depressions will precipitate the inevitable historical consequences. Though individual act with the impunity to such consequences the legacies of those actions will be the ultimate measure of the illogical or ill-wisdom of the choices chosen. Seemingly benign forms when made conscious or unwitting vectors puts the creators contemporaneously or in retrospection in a less culturally heralded light than any zealous, favorable promotion sought to advocate. Popular cultural trends seem to work out as ersatz fabrications from the agitation of emotional stimulation for herding a stampede of opinion than a prospective consideration of the far-reaching implications                                              

I do see the transmission of experiences that give hints and clues of things that extend our knowledge of being and of possibilities not conceivable within the pedestrian conceptions. From anecdotal geophysical and physiological events the hints and clues will figuratively ground us on the baseline that should our asymptotic orientation than what temporal culture has veered us in an off-course manner. In which way have we gone of course??

Despite the informal programming by those we personally and incidentally know, as well as the cultural programmings by institutions for their societal benefit, the revelatory programming gives us seeds of insight to new notions and paradigms. Those forms give inferences to a unique, 'sui generis', role of potential that our acquired knowledge and experiences allow us a special rabbit-hole portal of access to know and live. In living that experience we discover that our physical and mental physiological faculties can do something sublime with an acute level of focused energy. 

That focused energy precipitates an atmospheric beyond our will but within whatever nature we've collated for our intentions. That nature of atmospherics seems to be channeled through our general intentions to manifest its own brand on the moment which we and others (who know us) recognize the atmospheric as related in its fortuity to our own intent.

This channeled fortuity operates as if its using us as a channeling vector, because we are structured to receive and transmit that energy and its form in our space. If we happen to be the collateral beneficiaries of its transit through our space because of our unique mental and physical condition, then so much so for its serendipitous nature's advent and advantages to us. The "blessings" it bestows for us works as a double-edge sword. The supposed enlightenment in our interaction and intercourse with it also acts as a disaffection and an estrangement with the cultural precepts that come under questioning by our awareness and acknowledgement of its nature.

It's a liberation and a burden for us. A liberation, since it opens up possibilities and perspectives that are new to us. It's a burden because it presents what is mutually excluded by its emergence as a credible data point in the constellation of operational congruence.That, which is excluded, could formerly have been something of emotional investment and importance for us.


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