
Showing posts from November, 2023

Fragmented diaspora of Black perspectives

 Fragmented diaspora of Black perspectives   Though it may not matter as 'None of your business, Niggah..' in a social exchange or cultural attitude, it does have its effect on the functionality of the abstract demographic of Black (or 'Off-White') demographic. I inserted 'Off-White' for its physically descriptive, its sociological and psychological behavioral daily functioning of a pluralistic ethnic group. Our uniqueness in identity is a function of our coping, adaptation, innovation, and improvisation to social conditions that provide qualified caveats of acceptance based on the coherence to non-coherence to the Euro-Amerikkkan value archetypes. As a result we 'Off-Whites' have more of a  common identity of our appearance as off-white, than the abstract identities we use to define the 'Blackness' of our identity. The adverse disadvantages are a common source of discussion by us and 'those Others' [as well as Me, now] making commentary